Wicker Cornucopia

During Thanksgiving or any other similar occasions, you will certainly need to ornament your table or house with a wicker cornucopia. It is usually filled or stuffed with fresh fruits, vegetables, or flowers, and today, almost any type of blessing that the family have.

The cornucopia literally means horn of plenty. This wicker piece is shaped like a horn and filled with goods to symbolize abundance and nourishment. It is also one of the traditional symbols for prosperity and a bountiful harvest.

Making a cornucopia

When trying to craft your own cornucopia, there are several materials you could use. Traditionally, real horns could be used. But because of their rarity, alternative materials such as wicker and other kinds of vines are used. There are even individuals who create cornucopias made out of metal, wood, including breads or dough which can be served on the table.

In creating a wicker type of cornucopia, thin strips of wicker are woven in the same manner as the conventional types of baskets. You just have to make special adjustments to follow the shape of a horn. If you know the basic of basket weaving, you’ll be able to create a cornucopia in no time.

What can you stuff your wicker cornucopia

Traditionally, the fresh farm or agricultural produce like fruits, vegetables, nuts, flowers, and the like are used as stuffing for the cornucopia. But with the modern world of today, people have used almost anything that would represent food, wealth, and other types of blessings like monetary coins.

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